Tulips by Remarkable, remarkable new tulips
"Remarkable Tulips’ aim is to obtain exclusive tulip cultivars which offer clear added value on the basis of collaboration, innovation and technology."
Some of the tulips that our breeding stock has produced: Denmark®, Choice®, Red Label® and Triple A®.
Our most important selection criteria:
- Forcing characteristics
- Strength of growth
- Disease resistance
- Bud colour
- Leaf position
All Remarkable’s cultivars are subjected to extensive testing at an early stage with regard to forcing characteristics, growth and proneness to disease. We can guarantee the quality by constantly sharing cultivation and forcing experiences and conducting vase life tests.
Our breeding stock
The exclusive breeder for Remarkable is Hobaho Testing Centre for Ornamental Plants, which has more than 30 years’ experience in breeding bulb crops including tulips. Remarkable Tulips has a varied breeding stock. This is based on merging the breeding material from the Remarkable stock with the renowned Noordwijk firm of Konijnenburg en Mark.
Remarkable Tulips’ background
Remarkable was established in 1996 and is involved in the breeding, cultivation, sale and marketing of new tulips. It is a joint venture in which the participants are a group of leading companies specialising in the cultivation, forcing and marketing of tulips.